The grass is always greener in our yard


Browse Our Plants

To assist you in making a selection, we have listed some of our most popular plants by category. Please note we carry many more plants than are currently listed on our site.

A group of large ready to plant trees


Some of our tree offerings include:
Maples, Clump Birch, Flowering Crabapple, Hydrangea Trees, Lilac Trees, Fruit Trees (like our delicious Honeycrisp Apple trees), evergreens, and hybrid Maples!

We also offer ready to impress BIG Trees!

An assortment of potted shrubs


Some of our shrub offerings include:
Hydrangeas, Lilacs, Spireas, Weigelas, fruit shrubs (such as raspberries and blueberries), and evergreens like arborvitae and juniper!



Features Overview


Feature 1

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Feature 2

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Feature 3

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